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Similarly, campaigning NGOs often feel they cannot ignore the immediate practical problems of people in their policy domain. Human rights NGOs and women's NGOs end up having programs to assist the victims of discrimination and injustice. Various other types of NGOs can be regarded as promoting change by variants on these two primary functions. Research institutes have special forms of operational programs, in which the goal is to increase knowledge and understanding. They range across a spectrum from those promoting an academic, non political image to those collating and disseminating information for campaigning purposes. Professional bodies, trade unions, recreational groups and associations of companies provide program activities required by and for their members, but they may also campaign to enhance the economic interests and the status of their organizations.

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Makes sense, doesn't it?If the universe is going to play hardball, then we should pull out our big guns as well: nuclear weapons. The idea of sending a nuclear gift basket isn't to destroy the incoming asteroid, but rather to deflect it. Otherwise a wayward space rock could be transformed into cosmic buckshot, with all that deadly debris still headed on a crash course with our tiny little world. Perhaps surprisingly, a blast's intense radiation not unadulterated force might get the job done. Such energy would vaporize a section of the asteroid's surface, causing it to eject surface material into space like countless tiny rockets. Enter NASA's alternative "kinetic interceptor," which would deflect an incoming asteroid by smacking into it. Like shooting a rolling bowling ball with a pellet gun, the idea is to just barely nudge the asteroid off course but not hard enough to fracture it. According to Space. com, a mere 1 mile per hour 1. 6 kilometer per hour impact would be enough to divert an asteroid by 170,000 miles 273,500 kilometers if we hit it 20 years before the predicted collision. Painting an asteroid may sound ludicrous: When impending doom is headed straight for Earth, is it really the time to think about redecorating?If you factor in something called "solar powered orbital mechanics," it's a great time.

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It is a fact that Krav Maga is an extremely unique and functional martial art and because of this, it found its way into American military and law enforcement tasks as well. These six instructors wentback and forth between America and Israel to help bring about several schools to help get the art set up permanently. As Krav Maga developed into more of a martial art and a sport rather than a mere form of self defense, authorities had to devise a system to help establish ranks. While some forms employ a traditional belt system with the traditional colors of yellow, orange, green, blue, brown and black, most older forms employ a patch ranking system instead. With this type of ranking, there are four majorcategories: Practitioner, Graduate, Expert and Master. In the first three categories, there are five levels in each and in the fourth category, there are three levels. This creates a total of eighteen levels in traditional Krav Maga. Since the founders taught different forms of the martial art to military and law enforcement personnel, it was only fair that a different ranking system be used for them as well. The general idea is the same, however, the military categories are known as Fighter, Warrior andOperator. Regardless of the particular style of Krav Maga, however, one thing is for certain, it is one of the most brutal known forms of self defense available today. Because the Jewish community were learning self defense to help them fight against the Nazi in the 1940's, Imi Sde Or had to create something both vicious and effective or all would have been lost.

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A fistula in ano is an abnormal hollow tract or cavity that is lined with granulation tissue and that connects a primary opening inside the canal to a secondary opening in the perianal skin; secondary tracts may be multiple and can extend from the same primary opening. It should be differentiated from the following processes, which do not communicate with the canal:Most fistulas are thought to arise as a result of cryptoglandular infection with resultant perirectal abscess. The abscess represents the acute inflammatory event, whereas the fistula is representative of the chronic process. Symptoms generally affect quality of life significantly, and they range from minor discomfort and drainage with resultant hygienic problems to sepsis. References to fistula in ano date to antiquity. The fascination fistula in ano has exerted for more than 2000 years is manifested by the numerous papers and books on the subject. Hippocrates, in about 430 BCE, made reference to surgical therapy for fistulous disease, and he was the first person to advocate the use of a seton from Latin seta "bristle". In 1376, the English surgeon John Arderne 1307 1390 wrote Treatises of Fistula in Ano; Haemmorhoids, and Clysters, which described fistulotomy and seton use. Historical references indicate that Louis XIV was treated for an fistula in the 18th century. Salmon established a hospital in London St. Mark's devoted to the treatment of fistula in ano and other rectal conditions.

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Certaines langues qui y sont parles ne sont mme pas des langues ocaniennes, le sous groupe des langues austronsiennes qui semble issu de la culture Lapita, et qui partant de la Mlansie a peupl la Polynsie. Certaines des langues de Micronsie, comme le chamorro ou le paluan, sont en effet plutt apparentes aux langues austronsiennes des Philippines. La partie la plus occidentale de la Micronsie semble donc avoir des populations qui sont au moins en partie originaire de cette rgion, puis qui sont restes en contact plus ou moins rgulier avec les populations des Philippines ou des environs. La situation est diffrente pour la partie orientale de la Micronsie, pour laquelle l'origine semble davantage venir des populations austronsiennes Lapita, venues du sud des Salomon ou du nord Vanuatu. En raison de l'clatement linguistique l'ouest Mariannes et Carolines et de la relative homognit l'est Gilbert et Marshall, rien ne permet de trancher avec certitude sur un peuplement homogne, d'autant que la dcouverte des grottes marines de Nanumaga Tuvalu, dans une zone traditionnellement attribue la Micronsie mais dsormais peuple de Polynsiens semble faire remonter l'occupation humaine une priode fort antrieure. La majeure diversit linguistique se situe dans la partie centrale de la rgion : ce qui devrait indiquer que c'est la zone de plus ancien peuplement Chuuk, Kosrae, Pohnpei. Il y a environ 3 500 ans, soit en 1 500 avant notre re, environ la mme poque que l'apparition des Lapita en Mlansie, des potiers commencent s'installer dans l'ouest de la Micronsie. L' le de Saipan, au sud des Mariannes, fut peuple il y a plus de 3 500 ans par des marins venus, semble t il, des Philippines ; comme les Lapita, ils taient cramistes, mais issus d'une tradition diffrente. Pour atteindre les Mariannes, les premiers Micronsiens ne traversrent probablement pas la mer des Philippines, large de mille cinq cents kilomtres ; ils suivirent vraisemblablement le chapelet d'les qui s'tend entre Halmahera les Moluques et Saipan, mais aucune date aussi ancienne n'y a encore t releve. Le peuplement le plus ancien de l'le de Yap, sur ce trajet, ne remonte qu'au dbut de notre re . Spriggs note propos de l'artisanat micronsien qu' il y a des parallles trs spcifiques avec la poterie de l'Asie du Sud Est , ce qui s'explique par l'origine suppose philippine d'une partie des Micronsiens les plus occidentaux d'entre eux.

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